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Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich uses artificial intelligence from NorCom

NorCom is pleased to announce its collaboration with the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) on an innovative project. In a pioneering step, the AI platform DaSense will be integrated into a basic seminar on the topic of “Artificial Intelligence and Law – Opportunities, Challenges and Limits”, which will be led by Dr. Ann-Kristin Mayrhofer is organized and directed.


LMU, known for its progressive approach to teaching and research, offers students the unique opportunity to expand legal skills using artificial intelligence (AI). As part of this seminar, participants will use DaSense's generative AI technology to create their seminar papers.  This practice-oriented approach enables them to directly experience the potential and limits of AI in the legal field and to analyze.


The cooperation with the LMU Munich underlines NorCom's commitment to innovation and research. “We are excited to be part of this innovative project and to see how artificial intelligence helps enrich the way the law works and opens up new perspectives for the application of AI in law,” said Lisa Nordbakk, CPO of NorCom.


NorCom looks forward to seeing the results of this seminar and continuing to develop innovative solutions for educational institutions and businesses worldwide.


NorCom bietet technologische Lösungen für Themen, die fast alle großen Konzerne sowie große öffentliche Verwaltungen vor Herausforderungen stellen: Das schnelle, sichere Arbeiten mit und Austauschen von großen Datenmengen, Information Governance, rechtskonformes Data Lifecycle Management sowie der Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz und Data Analytics in den genannten Bereichen.

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